EU standards for safe and secure parking areas for trucks

Notice to Professional Drivers

One initiative has been published or updated on the European Commission’s ‘Have your say’ portal:  Safe & Secure Truck Parking Areas


The EU Commission will be making changes to the regulation that covers drivers hours and rest periods, EU 561/2006. The regulation will include the provision of safe and secure parking areas for drivers and their vehicles. This is an essential step to improve drivers’ working conditions by allowing drivers to have a secure, safe and good-quality rest while having access to a minimum level of services. Read more

Bus and coach drivers – EU rules on driving and rest times

Bus and coach drivers – EU rules on driving and rest times

The EU rules on driving time, breaks and rest periods apply equally to lorry drivers and bus and coach drivers. However, these rules are not always suitable for passenger transport.

This initiative aims to address the specific needs of bus and coach drivers in organising their working time.

The Commission would like to hear your views.

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