Jubiläumsfeier der Chauffeuren-Vereinigung Fürstentum Liechtenstein das 50-jährige Bestehen Samstag, 30. September 2023
2023 9th September – UICR VP Sepp Bamert saying, “Thank you to Karlheinz of MSC Eppelheim for all his work for the Professional Drivers in Germany” at the German National Professional Driver Championship.
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Finland World Champion 2022 | Michel de Bruin, Cat B – Bus/Coach, from FL Reizen, Netherlands |
2023 4th to 7th May – UICR General Assembly in Olgiate Olona, in the province of Varese, in the Lombardy region of northern Italy.
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AGM May 2023 | Goodby to Jussi Mikkola (FIN) | Goodby to Vincenzo Iuzzolino (ITA) | The New Board of Directors |
2022, 08th to 11th September – Croatia hosted the 32nd UICR Professional Driver’s World Championship
Croatia hosted a very successful Professional Driver’s World Championship, and even though the numbers have been low, the spirit was high.
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Finland World Champion 2022 | Michel de Bruin, Cat B – Bus/Coach, from FL Reizen, Netherlands |
2021, 16th October – UICR General Assembly meeting – online
Due to the continuous Covid-19 restriction, we had to hold our General Assembly meeting online.
It was nice to see and chat with all our friends from all different corners of the Globe, to see them smile and be in good health.
2020, 07th April – UICR postpones the Professional Driver World Championship 2020 by 12 months
For only the second time in its eighty-year history, the World Professional Driver Championships to be held in Zagreb in August 2020 has had to be cancelled due to the COVID-19 global crisis.
The President of the Union Internationale des Chauffeurs Routiers (UICR) Robert Kastner and the President of Sindikat Hrvatskog Vozača (SHV) Miljenko Gočin, the organizing body of the 2020 UICR Professional Driver World Championship in Zagreb, had to make the very difficult decision to cancel the event and reschedule it in August 2021.
Press release from the UICR President Robert Kastner
2020, 20th February – RIP – Anna-Kaisa Lehtinen – 3.9.1945 – 20.2.2020
On the wheel of the everyday business at Rahtarit, Finlands largest driver organization, she was named second vice-president of UICR in 1985 and first vice-president of UICR in 1987. In 2016 she handed her plance on the UICR board to Jussi Mikkola, but still kept an active role in UICR Advicory Board.
Anna-Kaisa Lehtinen was very much liked and appreciated by her collegues on the UICR board as well as members of the association. We will miss her smiles, her positive attitude and her helpful inputs in the driver industry.
2019 16th November, UICR board and strategy meeting at the Gadmer Lodge in Gadmen, Switzerland hosted by Swiss Drivers
![]() UICR Strategy Meeting November 2019, in Gadmen, Switzerland |
![]() UICR Strategy Meeting November 2019, in Gadmen, Switzerland |
2018 from 29th to 30th August, Gent in Belgium hosted a very successful the 30th Professional Driver World Championship.
2017 the European Professional Driver Association www.EPDA.ie with it’s Head Office in Dublin, Irerland and Barry Lyons as the Executive Chairman joins the UICR
2016 from 25th to 27th August, Jyväskylä in Finnland hosted a very successful Professional Driver World Championship.
2015 June 27th UICR General Assembly meeting Vienna Austria Robet Kastern elected UICR President.
2014 from 25th to 27th September, Krakova in Poland hosted a very successful Professional Driver World Championship.
2012 from 7th to 11th August, Sun City in South Africa hosted a very successful Professional Driver World Championship
2011 Estonia’s association PROVID AJ in Tallinn applies to become a member of the UICR.
2010, from 02 to 05 September – the City of Rankweil in Austria hosted the Professional Driver World Championship, organized VBK-Vorarlberg and Volvo Trucks Austria.
2009 – November, UICR becomes a member of CORTE. Dr. Thierry GRANTURCO, CEO Brussels
2008, from 09 to 12 October – Turin, Italy hosted the 25th Professional Driver World Championship
2008 March – La Societe des chauffeurs mecaniciens d`automobiles de Strassbourg joins UICR.
2008 January – Contribution to EU project SETPOS with DG TREN.
2007 – 26.-28. July 50 Year Anniversary of the UICR – Anniversary celebrations and General Assembly meeting takes place in the Pakhotel in Martigny. The celebrations are hosted by „TLi Transport et Logistique international“
The anniversary celebrations were a great success and the UICR was well represented in the press.
At the Assembly General meeting, Cedomil Weissbarth of Croatia (HUVA Zagreb) is elected to the board of directors.
The 2007 June – Board meeting in Vaduz, FL. The UICR separates from the Les Routiers Suisses.
At the Assembly General meeting in Vaduz, the statutes are altered and will come into effect on February 1, 2008 at the Assembly General meeting.
The administration headquarters are newly located in CH-3280 Murten.
We are now multilingual (German, French and English) and are geographically located on the line where the two languages (German and French) come together. The delegates agreed to the transfer of the administration, marketing and driver legal protection to the new and improved association’s infrastructure. This new location is under the supervision of a well-known man in the transportation world, Ralph Meyer of solution&benefit.
The UICR becomes active as an umbrella organization in Brussels and becomes involved in solving problems confronted by professional drivers.
- Regulation of the EU Work/Rest time for drivers.
- Identical education for drivers in all countries.
- Fighting so-called ‘self-employeed’ drivers.
- Driver and Transit Problem
2007 – February 20. The UICR signs the European Charta for Road Safety-. European Commission General Direction for Energy and Transportation
2007 – January 19, the UICR with it’s headquarters in Liechtenstein and the IRU – International Road Transport Union in Geneva, sign the
2006, from 28 September to 1 October – Luxemburg hosted the Professional Driver World Championship
2005 May – UICR-Strategy conference for all UICR members in Zurich, at the Allianz building with the guest County Romania.
Goal of the conference is the implementation of a Europe wide (plus Russia) driver legal protection package, which is offered as an additional service to UICR members to increase their security and strengthen the association.
The concept, involving Allianz is welcomed and accepted. Unfortunately, some members used the idea to implement this concept on their own in their own countries, which didn’t benefit the UICR as a unit.
In 2005 Fegruary – The polish association Traker and Traker Bus becomes a UICR member.
2005 January 27 The association Zveza ZSAM Slovenije, based in Lijubliana Slovania becomes a new UICR Member.
2004, from 3 to 5 September – Varazdin in Croatia, hosted the Professional Driver World Championship
2003 – Slovak – Truckers Union joins the UICR
2002, 7-8 September, Oldenburg, Germany hosted on the Professional Driver World Champiosnship.
In 2002 also HUVA, now Sindikat Hrvatskog Vozača – the Croatian Association joins the UICR
2000, from 31 August to 2 September, Budapest Hungary hosted on the Hungaro Ring the Professional Driver World Champiosnship
The official departure of Dr. Rossow was marked by a gift for his loyal leadership (a three day trip to Berlin including a cultural program for two people) given to him in Norway at the Assembly General meeting in 1999.
The UICR’s new headquarters will be located in Switzerland and be managed through Les Routiers Suisses. Rolf Lehmann takes on the post of Secretary General of the UICR.
1998 – December 11, The UICR association is registered in the trade registry office in Vaduz, Liechtenstein and will remain the future headquarters of the UICR.
Austria, Teesdorf hosted on 18-19 September 1998 the 20th International Driver World Championship with great succes.
1998 Vienna, Austria, the delegates of the UICR met together for the General Assembly meeting.
Dr. Günther Rossow, as he had made known at the previous year’s meeting, resigned of his position as the President of the UICR, a position he had held for 15 years.
Standing ovation for Dr. Rossow.
The president of the Routiers Suisses and first vice president of the UICR, Ludwig Büchel, was the logical one to fill Dr. Rossow’s vacant position.
The sceptre was passed to him as well as the delegates’ confidence.
At the same time as the change in president, the headquarters is to be located in the country where the current president resides.
27-29 September 1996 Bratislava, Slovakia hosted the International Driver World Championship
Brno, Czech Republic 17-20 June 1994 hosted the International Driver World Championship with great succes
Gstaad in Switzerland hosted on 3-4 October 1992 the International Driver World Championship
29-30 September 1990 Turin, Italy was the host of the International Driver World Championship with great succes.
In Bourg-En-Bresse, France on 23-24 September 1989 the 15th International Driver World Championship was helt with great succes.
24-25 September 1988 Luxembourg the 14th Professional Driver World Championship was helt with great succes
4-6 September 1987 Södertälje, Sweden Driver World Championship
4.-5 Octber 1986 Breda Nethlands; Driver World Championship
1985 12-13 October Munich, Germany; Driver World Championship
Great Britain and Holland offer to host a World Championship for 1986
15-17 September 1984 the 10th Driver World Chapionship hosted by the City of Tampere Finnland
1984 September 9, Helsinki, Finland
The UICR, an association made up of over 15 countries and of 1.5 million members, holds its General Assembly meeting in Helsinki, Finland.
Delegates from the 13 member countries present choose Dr. Günther Rossow, board member of the Automobile Club of Driver Protection of Germany is elected president of the UICR.
Mr. Bernard Giroud, Switzerland was elected Secretary General.
Ms Anna Kaisa Lehtinen of Finland is unanimously elected second vice-president
Botswana is recognized as the second African member country.
23-25 September 1983 Oslo Norway The international Professiona Driver World Championship has been a great success
30-31 October 1982 Lausanne, Swizterland The international Professiona Driver World Championship has been a great success, organized by Les Routiers Suisses
1982 – April 23, Montreal, Canada General Assembly meeting. Teamsters Canada/Trucker become members of the UICR
24-25 October 1981 Gilze-Rijen, Netherland The international Professiona Driver World Championship has been a great success
1980 – October 5-6 – London. A conference is held, led by Richard Reed, C.F.D.C. from Great Britain and present is also Mr. Norman Powler, Minister of Transportation. Represented are Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, Great Britain, Norway, Switzerland, Holland, Czechoslovakia, Argentina, Canada, Ireland and Italy.
Round table discussions are held for the first time between industry and heavy vehicle manufacturers with the idea of improving the conception and safety options inside and outside of the truck. This involved Renault, IVECO – UNIC / France and Iveco – Italy, Saab- Scania, Mercedes, Talbot Spain, Kienzle and Leyland.
The conference and General Assembly decides that it is extremely important to renew their dedication to improve safety and health conditions for professional drivers. The competitions for professional bus and truck drivers as well as the prize for the Hero of the Road are continued.
October 1979 Helsinki, Finnland: The international competitions of the Driver World Championship was a great success
29-29 October 1978 Brussel, Belgium: The international competitions of the Driver World Championship was a great success
October 1977 Lausanne Switzerland: The international Driver World Championship / Mercedes
1976 – October 30-31 – Munich, Geramny – General Assembly and Driver World Championship / VOLVO
1975 October 30-31 – Torino, Italy – General Assembly and the Driver World Championship / IVECO
1974 October the 1st Driver World Championship was hosted by the City of Nice, France
1974 – May 18-19 – A representative from Czechoslovakia, Dr. Krall, a lawyer from Prague, begins working for the UICR.
The driver’s association from Czechoslovakia becomes a UICR member.
A prize for comfort and security in the cab for long and short distance driving is created.
The organisation of a chain of suitable places to stop a truck, like the Relais Routiers in France, Belgium, Switzerland and Great Britain is implemented.
1973 – General Assembly in Copenhagen, May 19-20. The president of Forbund 1 of Denmark, John Hansen, led the meeting.
An international Gymkhana for Professional Drivers is held for the first time.
On a social level, each association’s general secretary addresses the problems concerning working conditions, protective measures, health and safety of the drivers, working hours, rest periods, paid holidays, and occupational sickness. Motions in the form of a telegram are sent on to the Labour Office in Geneva as well as the European Community in Brussels.
1972 – Barcelona Spain – A new passport is created in which there are annual stamps issued. Legal protection assistance for drivers is strengthened and a document prepared with the International Labor Office in Geneva.
In 1971 at the General Assembly meeting in Stuttgart Germany, additional statutes were added which addressed the defence of drivers while in Eastern European countries and with French initiative, general funds were awarded to be used in the defence of drivers.
In 1971 the Danish professional drivers association under the leadership of John Hansen joined.
French was chosen as the diplomatic language of the UICR. In Montreux, Francois de Saulieu was elected President and Francisco Perez Mur Secretary General.
At the very first General Assembly meeting in Montreux-Villeneuve, Switzerland on June 7 1969, the difficulties that drivers experience because of the difference in traffic laws while in other countries was brought to discussion.
On April 7 1968, we founded the
1968 At the end of the year, the professional drivers’ association Munich signed on as well.
At the 5th labor congress of France in July 1967, the members Switzerland, France, Spain, Belgium and Great Britain (in spite of the opposition of the English transportation association, who didn’t want Spain to take part in said international organization) founded an international organization, which included all of the countries who first founded the international association in 1951.
In 1966 as the result of an accident that was no fault of their own, french drivers were condemmed to several years of hard labor in a very strict prison. The association got involved and with the help of the Routiers Suisses and the Swiss Touring Club, the drivers were released from their sentences. Other drivers were assisted in Bulgaria, Romania and Albania to gain their freedom from unwarranted arrests and prison sentences.
In 1963 the member countries created an auxillary power agreement between France, Spain, Switzerland and Belgium as well as headquarters in Paris, Rue de I’Isly 7. (Les Routiers France)
The association of Belgian drivers joined as well in 1962
This agreement was registered in Paris by the Secretary General of the Routiers Suisses, Daniel Jaquinet and Francois De Saulieu, the association secretary of the Routiers France in 1961
In 1957 the Routiers Suisses was founded in Lausanne and this association immediately joined the UICR.
Numerous drivers out of the four-country group profited from their status as members of their agreement when involved in accidents or other traffic issues. Lawyers cooperating with the association were spread throughout Europe. Thanks to the efforts of Berliet Trucks and Perkins Motors, an international pass was created that enabled this same support system to function in not yet member countries, mostly Great Britain and Germany.
The corner stone of this international organization was placed in Madrid, Spain on April 27 1951, and initiated by Spain, Northern Africa and France.
The contract was based on mutual support and solidarity. If a Spanish driver is involved in an accident in France, or a French driver involved in an accident in Spain or Morocco, they will receive helpful support from the local association, as long as they are members of the U.E.C.A. or F.N.C.R., respectively.
Become a UICR Member
Joining the UICR means being connected to a globally respected organisation the leader for the Professional Driver in the Transport Industry.
The different business areas present in the Transport Industry are all together in the UICR, a global organization conformed by executives and managing professionals all over the world.
Through our leadership, professionalism and friendship, working together to achieve our Vision, maximise networking opportunities and support a responsible transport industry.
The UICR Team
President | Walter Pisarnik | Ireland |
Vice President | Hanna Haanpää | Finland |
Vice President | Sepp Bamert | Switzerland |
Executive Committee | Kurt L’Ecluser | Belgium |
Executive Committee | Miljenko Gocin | Croatia |
Executive Committee | Barry Lyons | Ireland |
Executive Committee | Grzegorz Zimmer | Poland |
Executive Committee | Samson Sadzauchi | Zimbabwe |
How to get in contact with us
The UICR Office: c/o Seybert & Partner Steuerberatungs GmbH
Address: Praterstrasse 22/21 1020 Wien
E-Mail: Admin@UICR.org