New EU rules on driving and rest times outlined in the Mobility Package 1 (MP1) have entered into effect. While their interpretation and application still raise questions, IRU is working closely with the European Commission and enforcers to clarify the new legislation. The goal: make sure MP1 is enforced efficiently and consistently across the EU Member States.

Driving and rest time rules are designed to ensure a balance between improved working conditions for drivers and the efficiency of cross-border transport.

MP1 provisions will also have a direct impact on third-country operators offering road transport services within the framework of bilateral or multilateral frameworks, such as the European Conference of Ministers of Transport (ECMT) quota and the UNECE European Agreement Concerning the Work of Crews of Vehicles Engaged in International Road Transport (AETR Agreement). A number of MP1 provisions will need to be transposed into these frameworks.

Here are practical considerations and recommendations on the implementation of MP1 by some of IRU’s members